Other items of note with the 240D:
I love the new stereo head unit and speakers - photos to follow. I can add up to 17 ablums on one CD using MP3 formatting. I currently have two CD's in the car with 32 albums between them! There are four 2-way speakers now in the car that sound great. I feel that, to play loud modern music, I will need a sub-woofer at some point. I miss the bass that the ML320 develops (it has a sub-woofer under the driver seat).

Efficiency summary: 160 mile round-trip to Socorro to create the punch list for Cramer Hall at New Mexico Tech plus around 120 miles of in-town driving
General conditions: driver and two passengers, 75 MPH highway driving and in-town with various passenger loads
June 27, 2006 Diesel Fill-up in Albuquerque
13.45 Gallons @$2.93 per gallon = $39.40
286 miles @ 21.26 MPG - city/highway driving