OK, I filled up on diesel No. 2 fuel again. Every time I have a problem with Charlie 240, I make the sweeping and inaccurate assessment that biodiesel is to blame. Charlie was having starting problems. No, ordinary diesel fuel did not solve the problems. After a trip to Jim's Fine Car Service to replace the glow plugs (and all three belts as long as we were there), Charlie is running fine again. So . . . here are the latest statistics for the non-biodiesel fill-up.
Efficiency summary:
325 miles of in-town driving
General conditions: in-town with various passenger loads, mostly to and from work
October 10, 2006 Diesel No. 2 Fill-up in Albuquerque
15.28 Gallons @$2.459 per gallon = $37.57
325 miles @ 21.27 MPG - city driving
Maintenance1. Replace (4) glow plugs
2. Replace (3) belts